Brendan spent a week with his mum (Julia) completing their coastal skipper practical out of Southampton together with Martin and son Alex, all of us under the competent guidance of Clive our tutor. It was much fun practicing ‘Mum overboard’ manoeuvres under light winds and warm weather.

Martin, Alex and 'me Julie' (aka Julia) at Newton Creek planning the trip south if Isle of Wight

We used our time to explore some of the lesser visited areas in the solent: Beaulieu river (approached at night), Newtown creek (dries in places), as well as Bembridge harbour (low tidal bar). We also completed a circumnavigation of the southern coast of the Isle of Wight with both wind and tide with us!! Good seamanship planning and an early start.

Our morning approach into Bucklers Hard after our night sail up the Beaulieu river to pick up a buoy.

Bembridge just after low tide, great ice cream, a small bar and sarnie shop.